Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), promoted AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono to the position of Director of Criminal Investigation Department (Dirreskrimsus) at the Special Region of Yogyakarta Regional Police (Polda DIY). This transfer was formalized in Telegram Letters ST/2274/XI/KEP./2024, ST/2276/XI/KEP./2024, ST/2277/XI/KEP.2024, and ST/2278/XI/KEP./2024, received by detikcom on Monday, December 30, 2024.
Previous Position and Replacement:
AKBP Wirdhanto formerly served as the Vice Chief of Central Jakarta Metro Police (Wakapolres Metro Jakarta Pusat). He will be succeeded by AKBP Danny Yulianto.
The position of Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief (Kapolres Jakpus) will continue to be held by Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro.
Other Appointments:
Kombes M Syahduddi, the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, was appointed as the Head of Semarang City Police (Kapolrestabes Semarang). He will be replaced by Kombes Twedi Aditya Bennyahdi.
Kombes Mustofa will assume the role of Bekasi Metro Police Chief (Kapolres Metro Bekasi).
Kombes Arya Perdana, the Depok Metro Police Chief, was promoted to Head of Makassar City Police (Kapolrestabes Makassar) in South Sulawesi Regional Police. He will be succeeded by Kombes Abdul Waras.